Friday, February 4, 2011

"Licence to Kill" Live Blog!

Here it is the last of the bronze age bond films. It was Dalton's last and possibly weaker film but still entertaining. Should be fun. I'll start in an hour. However there is a new development. You can actually watch me Live Blog it here on Just type in the word ScanCase (that's my user name) and I should pop up. I start at 2 eastern.

1:10 the last time bond went to a wedding things did go to well. if memory serves.

2:11 is that suppose to be quarrel as well?

2:57 you know some women like that. I'm not sure exaclty if it's punishment

3:58 however was on that guitar was having fun

4:15 slow motion dea run is epic.

5:05 and bond stops them with one bullet while the americans are running around with autos

6:15 that's not how you fly a plane at all!

6:34 i like how the two swat guys are confused on what bond is going to do

7:22 this has to be either a really fast helicopter or an extremely slow plane

8:55 at this point i think maurice binder was just get bored or tired.

9:47 slow bond songs usually don't work, and this was written in the musical void of the late eighties.

11:41 why does the cuban villain have to be called sanchez

12:33 please don't sleep with the bride. please please please

13:10 i think this is the most we have had felix on screen EVER!

14:05 what kind of cd-rom was that! it was massive

15:27 and when she means surprise she means her vagina

15:45 see that's what's really missing, friends. we never see bond have actual friends.

17:11 oh look props from the spy who loved me have made a return visit. how nice of them

17:57 and the marriage thing comes up again. at least in context it actually adds to the character and makes him a tragic figure. again something the daniel craig bond has now

19:38 early bencio del toro, yup he still has puppy dog eyes

20:44 not personal?? you're throwing him into a shark tank!

21:37 "see you in hell" that's one of the best versions of that line that i have seen

22:43 you think someone would have told bond that

23:30 i can imagine bond having some bad flashbacks right now

24:33 felix is a tough son of a bitch

26;00 bond's about to kill some bitchs

26:34 well you're here so i'm pretty sure that someone is here

27:07 i don't buy this guy as a marine biologist

28:37 the shark from universal studio's just wanted to say high

29:42 this is the worst worm pit

29:57 this guy takes a lot of pride in his job guarding the worm pit

31:23 i doubt eels light up like that when they kill things

32:35 there is a single thing that has remained nearly consistant with bond. he doesn't care about money or real wealth

33:46 REALLY! LAWS IN AMERICA! I didn't know

34:22 kitty's. they're so cute

35:25 jesus they way you guys fairy bond around in the lap of luxury i thought you guys actually were a country club

36:00 would they really shoot at bond? i don't think so

36:40 what is this the rape room? she just sits there and waits.

37:24 drunk acting is drunk

37:50 "it's large sir. we think it's james bond's penis"

38:15 seriously you guys don't know what a manta ray is??

38:35 also if bond has been cut off where did he get the manta ray from? he's just got one sitting around at his house just in case

40:18 was the dude in the back masturbating??

41:30 female abuse. classic bond

42:00 wow they're going text book with the whole broken girlfriend thing

46:48 even dalton isn't safe from the inevitable underwater fight

43:27 "because there's no way he stole the scuba equipment from the guy he just shot"

45:49 see at this point bond is doing his best to make everyone have a horrible day

48:21 so desperate was he not to die a virgin before he fell to his death he started having sex with the door.

49:58 there was no reason to make the drive that big! what a waste of plastic

50:59 oh god burn it with fire! this bar is horrendious

52;06 how did she even get that shotgun into the bar?

53:16 ok random people are just fighting now. was everyone this desperate for a fight that they'll start punching at the nearest spark

55:11 at least she was wearing kevlar you asshole

56:41 so what is she a mercenary or a bounty hunter or something?

57:23 well they got cozy quick, i guess a near death situation will do that

57:50 and moneypenny is back to be a secretary. fuck.

59:40 in the bond universe it's always a mans world, lol stupid woman

1:00:53 he is a known criminal why are they even there talking to him

1:01:42 i'm a fan of the short hair

1:02:26 i can't image an iguana being a particularly emotionally satisfying pet

1:05:38 i love how bond now has stacks and stacks of chips now just building in front of him

1:06:25 "remember bitch fucking shaken, i will not tolerate a stirred drink!"

1:09:27 bond isn't doing a very good job of being inconspicious here

1:11:16 asian man is suspicious

1:11:56 that's a smaller gun then even bond. it's practically a water pistol at this point

1:12:56 beginning to think Q can predict the future. he always shows up with the right gadgets.

1:15:06 she always wants to stay. does she ever fucking leave??

1:17:29 see he's mexican because he said amigo's. thanks movie

1:18:47 oh shit i just recognized him. the bad guy in mortal combat. "YOU'RE SOUL BELONGS TO ME!"

1:19:48 all the women there are at least a full head toller than everyone else. also are the prositutes because they seemed a little too happy to be there

1:21:48 fucking ninjas always fucking up your shit

1:23:46 well i guess that's one to flush everyone out. motherfucking tank

1:25:29 fuck! that's creepy. i didn't know myizake was a guest designer on this film

1:27:56 bond, king of the improvisers

1:29:00 "and he just told me"

1:30:25 Q rocking the glasses. does he always just sit around with those on

1:32:05 that is perhaps the most boring dress in the entire bond franchise

1:33:07 do we really need the guitar every time sanchez shows up

1:34:10 i'm glad they labeled the buttons so clearly i wouldn't have known what she was doing. thanks movie

1:35:02 there is literally nothing holding her boobs in place

1:36:28 it's funny to think that all these villains lead normal bad guys lives and then one day bond shows up and starts the most crazy ass shit and they just can't believe it's happening

1:37:38 this would be the worst way to die hands down

1:39:00 how many times is bond going to have to say that he's better on his own until everyone actually gets it

1:40:17 i think this is the latest into a bond film that the villain hasn't figured out bond is trying to take them down

1:41:35 and she sleeps with him for no particular reason

1:42:28 at least Q is there to tell her that Bond has slept with more people than hugh hefner

1:44:01 well this has creepy suicide cult written all over it

1:45:30 how do you hide a complex like this. kind of insane

1:46:55 bencio del toro stares into your soul

1:47:58 cliche asian is cliche excited

1:49:15 are they playing beethoven in the background?

1:50:52 IT'S NOT THAT BIG OF A FIRE! does no one have a fire extinguisher?

1:53:18 del toro stares into yours soul

1:53:39 and there he goes. bye del toro we'll miss your body parts being spread around everywhere

1:55:47 yes we'll catch them in a golf cart. that's a great idea

1:56:39 what is this place made of gasoline

1:58:06 this guy is really enjoying his music. nevermind the tanker his driving

1:59:22 you don't use stinger MISSILES like that

2;00:27 Why just why?

2:01:22 you have to give it a second. things don't explode like that

2:02:42 just do it we know you will


2:04:16 Your tires are on fire. i thought you should know that

2:0j6:18 you wouldn't live through tat without serious injuries

2:07:17 and everything blows up. the end

2:08:00 this is the most beat up i've ever seen bond

2:09:30 and bond jumps to his death. end of franchise

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