Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"The World is not Enough" Live Blog!

As the third of the Brosnan Bond's The World is not Enough is often looked down about about it's random nature. Personally I still don't believe its a bad film just an average bond film. We start at 2 eastern.

1:11 eventually bond is going to learn not to use his own name

1:26 lol he means her breasts.

2:26 this is the unfair part. no one knows about bond's gadgets it's just cheating now.

3:37 whatever those guys are saying out there they are pissed!

5:05 cigar burn

6:02 at this point M and Bond are just drinking buddies

7:15 well this is going to wreck havoc on M's monthly budget

8:07 why was Q building this boat on the third floor. wouldn't you want to build it in i don't know a dock

9:50 bond don't give no shit about your machine gun!

10:13 why the hell is this chick armoured to the teeth?!

11:08 you know i just realized that brosnan started the whole tie straightening thing. i always attributed it to all the bonds

13:19 i do think the main problem with this film is the pacing. this opening sequence is very much the evidence of this

16:07 the song is ok but i do think the sequence itself is fairly imaginative

17:42 with a name like elektra there's no way she's evil

18:30 i do like the fact that M is more of a character in this film instead of the boss that shows up at the bookends of the film

19:24 "in return i'll give you some of the sex time"

19:40 and it works. fuck you bond fuck you

20:38 poor Q he's finally gone senile. there is no way that's a fishing boat

21:05 honestly there isn't a better person i can think of than John Cleese to replace Q

22:52 it was a fitting last scene for Q. it's nice to see that Bond actually cares for him almost in a father figure kind of why

24:10 wow the exchange rates in '99 were awfully stable

24:56 lol at this point that's not even a threat. M actually suggests to bond to go off the reservation all the time

26:19 THE FUTURE!!

27:16 it's an interesting concept on a villain i will say that


29:00 I have always felt that oil drillers are like fat kids in a donut shop. "GIVE IT TO ME"

29:24 and there is no way that buzz saw helicopter will not show up again

31:06 well that was easy

32:19 this is obviously a hard hat area. this film is stretching my suspension of disbelief

33:22 this chick is not a great actor but she is trying. i can at least appreciate that

33:46 bond? know how to ski? no! there's no way

34:20 i kind of doubt that a company would allow their ceo do shit like this. it's an unsurveyed ski slop

35:46 guys in black masks, snow mobiles on parachutes? SUPER BADGUY'S HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

36:50 again are these things made out of solidified gasoline?

38:14 bond you got to learn to time your quips. if they are negated a second later you didn't get any milage out of them

39:52 "everything all right....no not really...yeah we're going to die"

41:32 this is why i do like this film. it's more of a traditional bond film than even goldeneye

43:27 bond you perve. there's no reason for you to really have those glasses on

44:22 i love valentine. he's a bad guy without being a threat

46:19 so that guy was just getting thrown out then. yeah that always happens in an upper class casino

47:30 an editor out there somewhere should have deleted that line.

48:26 bond is actually trying not to sleep with a woman. he must have gotten kicked in the balls and is still sore. there is no other reason that could even be possible

49:45 at this point henchmen shouldn't be killed because bond screwed with them. that's just unfair

50:50 and he still sleeps with her. one day. one fucking day

51:41 we fucking get it their having sex together!

53:03 what other gadgets does bond have on him that are hidden like that? perhaps a money clip that turns in to a rifle?

54:48 poor dude. he just got a promotion

55:55 is there a situation bond can't fake his way through?

56:18 bond doesn't know it yet but he's actually going to a hair growth for men convention

58:11 wow. denise richards sucks. i forgot. she is really bad

59:28 ummmmmmmm...neither of them speak good russian. and i don't need to know russian to realize that

1:01:52 do not bluff a man with a gun to your head. you're being just stupid

1:04:36 stop defieying the laws of pychics bond. no one thinks your cool

1:06:38 that is a cool moment. not the dialog but bond shooting the glass

1:07:30 so the guys that made gta say hi

1:08:14 that was the slowest moving explosion i have ever seen

1:09:45 and M brings an army with her. right? right? ...yeah you'd think so

1:12:52 so M brought two guys and one of them is bond. great plan M

1:13:47 well it's blinking red. that usually means something is wrong

1:14:57 ok that confirms it. denise richards single handedly made this a pretty good bond film to a low tier bond film

1:17:30 thanks denise that's what bond just fucking said

1:18:52 "you know because we have sensors that can detect human life"

1:20:42 shut denise. your words are like dog vomit. nobody wants to see it

1:22:20 "i'm so happy to see you. now we can kill people together"

1:23:27 but bond will save M. it feels like the film is trying to get at something. i'll get back to you on that

1:25:26 to bad he can't feel or get an erection

1:27:20 is she sticking that ice cube into her....never mind, i'll be back in a little bit

1:29:34 oh look it's the buzz saw helicopter that i saw earlier that i thought in no way would come back and bond would have to destroy

1:30:46 i hate helicopter boss fights

1:32:32 ok these guys are just having fun now. they don't even care about bond

1:34:41 ugh, that's nothing but fish eggs. fucking disgusting

1:36:19 really a insurance company joke. this movie is filled with them ugh

1:37:40 even denises character is useless at this point. couldn't have bond let her get chopped in half by the buzz saw helicopter

1:39:22 really M couldn't have gotten that. there was is a lot of stuff in that room

1:39:41 you see macguyver is M's nephew

1:42:15 yeah to bad you're going to die and not enjoy any of it

1:42:59 denise richards just looks bored. or confused as to why she is there. either way she still sucks

1:44:22 a classic torture scene. kick ass

1:45:14 well she was a good villain until she started monologuing. isn't that how it usually goes though

1:48:02 goodbye valentine. we'll miss you

1:50:07 in the end bond is a killer. that's what makes him tragic. he can't be anything else

1:51:51 so this sub has a nuclear rod making machine. i'm really questioning the science here

1:55:53 you know never mind all the radiation. i brought sunscreen.

1:57:24 the lesson here? never trust denise richards to do anything

1:58:27 no fucker! let her die!

1:59:43 he is james bond. lying is what he kind of does

2:00:15 there is nothing phalic about this at all

2:01:19 yeah i know he can't feel pain, that really looks like it hurts.

2:02:42 "oh and never mind i've been a stupid bitch"

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