Friday, January 28, 2011

"For Your Eyes Only" Live Blog!

I’ll admit that at this point in the marathon I start phasing out, however I have never live blogged the marathon before so I’m actually going to have to pay attention. I’ve been told this is one of the better Roger Moore films but i’m usually asleep half way through. Let’s see what happens. I’ve started to live blog over on on Word Press. So i you want to follow along live that’s where you’ll have to go. just search James bond Live blog

:23 ugh i hate the revisionist bond theme

:47 ugh again, why are these filmmakers always coming back to the worst bond film. stop it! no one likes it.

1:42 never a good sign.

2:00 that’s right bond never had to deal with spectre and blofeld. i guess they had to do soemthing eventually

2:58 blofeld could never do anything simply. he could have just put a bomb on the copter and been done with it

3:42 in his spare time blofeld is a champion remote control pilot

4:23 i miss classic stunt work

5:35 and in his spare time bond is a champion helicopter pilot

6:02 at a certain point there should be some kind of contract which states that after so many evil acts you are not allowed to beg for your life. it’s just rude.

6:47 A good song for the time but i still don’t think it fits the bond universe. good intro though

8:38 just cooked my hand on the oven getting my pizza. this is going to fucking hurt in about ten minutes.

9:39 this week on the deadliest catch a certain british super spy decides to drop in

10:37 why are the brits tracking both american and russian navel activity. i knew they were just pretending to be our friends. basterds

11:40 you know in an emergency situation i don’t want screaming alarms in my ear

12:31 jesus guys you’re one scream close to a snuff film here

13:47 “proceed with the sexing comrade”

15:07 i feel like i’m watching a rich families vacation footage

16:16 i guess the vacation is over than huh guys?

16:50 why hello there, can you see me? you sure are looking straight into the camera you must see me

17:28 bond and moneypenny actually look like they could be a couple now their both old

18:19 hence why submarines suck. they get an order they just do it. so many easy ways to sabatoge them

18:55 oh look it’s the name of the film. good job guys

20:19 bond is so fucking lucky

20:35 oh look it’s a hot babe convention. i wonder what kind of conferences they have. how to be hot 24/7? bikini waxing for advance memebers? how to make your ass look nice while swimming underwater?

21:39 nice spray on tan ass hole.

22:18 why are most of the men here balding old dudes. hell i’ll be a balding old dude if i get to hang out in the hot babe convention

23:31 ok that’s official. worst q invention ever. a burglary system that makes the entire fucking car explode.

24:07 “…prepare to die”

25:22 i thought she was doing fine. you’re such a sexist bond

26:10 not a bad car chase though

27:00 i could really do without this synth music though

28:48 please don’t bond. this is bordering on pedophila

29:27 but you’re only half greek, so couldn’t you just get half revenge

30:06 “identograph” we really need to come up with better names for things.


32:52 at this point i can see bond and Q having tea together at a rest home

34:20 another checking into hotel scene. i’m riveted.

34:53 shit the hot water in this place doesn’t fuck around

36:44 this is at least a little interesting. the villain is introduced as a helpful contact. cool

37:44 “you’re pooped” ? not on the ice rink. go to the bathroom at least.

39:35 i would be using some mario world jokes here but it feels easy so i’m just going to point that out

40:37 you know guys you could have gotten off your bikes and just fought bond. he’s old know you have a chance.

41:45 i think a memorial should be put in place for all the innocent sled drivers, taxi drivers, maids, and bellboys that have had to deal with all of bond’s shit through the years.

43:33 ok now this is pedophila.

43:58 thank you bond. finally some self restraint

44:36 this chick has some real bad daddy issues. where’s dr. drew when you need him?

45:27 she’s american so she wears a cowboy hat. fucking of course. the british are assholes.

48:29 i honestly don’t believe for a second that this bond is capable of doing that. good thing these are fantasy films.

50:01 i’m beginning to think that the director really liked skiing. maybe a little too much

51:22 couldn’t someone be a little suspicious if he got shot in mid air?

51:58 wow, just wow. the music hear is horrendious

53:10 these people are just trying to eat, take your super spying some where else

54:11 if the music wasn’t so bad, and if bond wasn’t so old this would actually be kind of awesome

55:28 what is this guy trying to do audition for the hulk

56;46 and when she means she could eat him up alive that’s what she actual means. she prefers to cook them first and still the point has been made

57:33 jesus who ever these guys are they really want bond dead

58:04 not luigi. i liked luigi

59:26 more national geographic woot

1:00:17 the plot here is really one a string. people just keep trying to kill bond while he looks for this ship in the wrong ass places.

1:01:18 someone’s a bitch. i hate ball busters

1:02:15 has a woman ever judged a man by how well he plays cards? that’s almost worst than daddy issues.

1:05:28 ACTING!

1:06:18 A gentleman with a piss bag

1:07:43 awefully confident of yourself aren’t you bond

1:08:08 but of fucking course. can someone not sleep with bond please.

1:08:48 and tit the mpaa just does not give a fuck

1:09:41 BayWatch: Extreme Buggy Patrol

1:10:57 i feel like bond should show just a little more sympathy here

1:12:02 everyone knows who bond. maybe some one should beef up security at MI6

1:13:17 Oh shit albania. i hope liam neeson doesn’t show up looking for his daughter.

1:14:58 and no one saw them coming up. maybe their all high on their own stuff.

1:15:39 this feels more like a raid than a recon mission?

1:16:42 thanks for the lesson bond. kind of busy here

1:18:20 nice that was a really good explosion.

1:19:05 “you’re the best….around. nothin goina getcha down!”

1:20:10 A: that was kind of gory B: that henchmen was not scary nor ever did anything important.

1:21:07 bond that’s not a way to say hello and you seem over dressed here

1:23:30 if i didn’t know better i would now say james cameron was directing this film

1:23:48 god will someone turn this music off.

1:24:17 yeah guys i can totally see what’s going on here.

1:26:41 also they are using helium . i want squeaky voices

1:26:55 you said not to speak and now your quiping make up your mind bond

1:25:09 only eight minutes of air at that depth. well i wouldn’t fucking do it.

1:25:56 couldn’t you have said that in the sub bond and not waste oxygen

1:28:17 so you’re just going to keep talking then huh bond? well i hope you die cause it would be your own fault

1:29:25 cue jaws theme….no not that jaws the other one

1:31:06 i’m really tired of underwater fights.

1:33:08 submarine battle? yes please.

1:34:13 wasn’t it nice for the engineers of this sub to put all the wiring on the outside for easy to cut use. i really like those guys


1:36:38 couldn’t you guys just have waited unstead of sending all those men in after them

1:37:40 “so should we shoot them?” “nah, let’s tell them up and drag them behind us in the water” “but i have a gun right here” “yeah but that’s boring” “good point, so we got any rope?”

1:40:33 this entire sequence feels really useless

1:41:55 i’m really thinking of a bond gadget that would be super helpful right now

1:42:30 if this villain actually is surprised that bond shows up later i’m going to tear out my hair. he didn’t even double check

1:44:28 Q looks good as a rabbi

1:46:10 as a henchmen i would want a little hazard pay if i was told to stand on a cliff edge like that

1:47:00 CUBA!!?

1:47:54 enter “i’m too old for this shit” joke here

1:48:58 i honestly don’t know how free climbers do this shit.

1:51:12 “i’m not going to go get help, i can do this on my own and get killed in the process.”

1:52:32 this is kind of thrilling though

1:52:48 throwing knives solve everything

1:54:17 what villain’s need to learn is henchmen placement. don’t put them out on the ledge to get killed put them in the room with the basket thought allows reinforcements to get into your castle easily

1:55:36 she really likes that crossbow.

1:56:17 i really don’t care about this girl skater sub plot. it serves zero purpose.

1:57:19 the guy in the back looks like demetri martin

2:00:16 lol she just keeps getting slapped left and right

2:01:10 old man fights are awesome

2:02:42 well thanks for showing up boris guess we don’t you anymore

2:03:34 bond really needs to start sleeping with women his own age.

2:04:43 that’s a parrot. and she is a horrible british accent she had

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