Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"The Spy Who Loved Me" Live Blog!

This is perhaps my favorite Moore Bond film. It's less cheesy than the previous two films and introduces Jaws for the first time. We start in 45 minutes.

:52 the most laid back submarine crew in history. what doest that guy have tea?

2:24 "Oh my god, it's gary busey dressed as a mermaid"

3:40 "....which is right now"

4:09 female version of james bond. color me excited.

4:42 and when he means pull out he actually means to stop having sex.

5:18 that has to be the worst bond watch in the film franchise. he has to reload it after every messege

6:00 funky 70's music bond theme. i can dig it.

6:48 at this point i feel 100% bad for henchmen. they never get the upper hand

7:05 i mean come on how were they suppose to know there was a gun in his sky pole

7:50 one of the best stunts and best uses of the bond theme i've seen in a while

8:47 also one of the best songs (even though it's slow paced) and one of the best opening sequence

9:38 also tits. was the mpaa not even watching these films?

10:34 sad russian diplomat is sad

11:15 xxx you're the best russian spy ever please don't sleep with bond. you're the strongest female character the franchise has had since pussy galore

12:44 see this is what was lacking in the other bond films. there were no emergancy meetings. bond just went off and did things. we get some real stakes here

14:07 i love how Q just steps in. "ACTIVATE Q TECHNICAL MONOLOGUE"

15:17 if i ever become rich i want a unnecessarily long dinning table.

16:37 the more gentlmenly the bond villian the more evil he is

16:55 see shark tank. you have to be a class 5 villain to have a shark tank rigged with a slide from your elevator

17:51 look at the little scientists run. their so cute when their scared.


19:10 JAWS, everyone loves you. best henchmen ever! mostly because he actually lives longer than half a movie

20:03 i'm getting a bit of an aquatic theme with this villain. i don't know why?

21:03 if i ever see bond ride a camel again it will be too soon

22:22 i wonder if the woman whos job it is to just lay around the place have a union. how would they go on strike. lay around some where else.

23:13 i'm not even going to comment on that. if anyone sees roger moore they should slap him in the face just for that. "delve into their treasures" my ass.

25:14 really can a single woman in this franchise try and not sleep with bond. that's it bond has magical powers to wetten panties. it's the only explaination. XXX we still believe in you.

26:38 you see this is actually oddjob's cousin. unfortunality he's a horrible shooter, fighter, and is a bit of a finch

27:42 ok national geographic must have started funding these films. this is getting intursive

28:42 he'll be back. unless your a terminator that is never good news.

29:43 the scientist body count in this film is getting pretty high

30:09 god his dentist must hate him. maybe he doesn't have a dentist but a blacksmith.

30:53 this is a very unsantitary way of killing people. all that blood has to go somewhere

32:07 resist XXX resist. don't let bond's magic swad you

32:49 i'm really enjoying the use of music in this entire sequence. awesome

33:19 she wore a sexy dress. fuck this isn't a good sign

34:10 "wife killed" goddamnit i thought we moved on from that

34:56 "don't sit there, that's where harvey is sitting"

36:01 YOU BROUGHT IT WITH YOU! you fucking moron!

36:50 commence the raping!

37:37 i'm really digging the use of music in this film. i never noticed it before

37:58 i wonder if the massive fucking man with that's running away from the bite mark victim did it?

39:02 jaws had some real forsight here. he wired the back with a microphone. he is a testiment to henchmen everywhere

40:02 i love jaws grin. "it's murderin' time"

41:41 my one question is why doesn't xxx have a gun

42:28 oh wait there it is my bad

43:00 that shot isnt' suggestive at all

44:05 that is perhaps the most terrifying thing in cinematic history. you just don't do that to a car!

45:32 don't you dare throw that rock at them. I would have to worship you as a god if you did

47:00 yup that's a landscape. thanks movie. i couldn't tell

47:59 thanks random gadget. this is what the Q scenes are for. otherwise it feels like he's just pulling these out of his ass

48:45 you don't have to do it xxx. please don't do it xxx. i know his magic is strong but you can resist.

49:16 kissing is ok i guess. she's trying to steal something from him that makes sense. right? right?

50:00 hooray she gassed him

51:00 so bond is just going to roam the desert in a tux then. alright then. i guess national geographic has more of a hold on the film than i thought

52:43 the cold war was so quiant in retrospect. just a gaint pissing contest.

53:30 i get why M and money penny are here but why is all of Q branch here?

53:55 you guys are just showing off now! the nerds need something i guess

55:18 oh look the spy's for the two sides of the cold war are trying to one up each other. never saw this one coming

56:06 resist xxx resist!!

56:41 bond is wondering why his magic isn't working right now. "the force is strong with this one"

57:28 you two stop foreplaying through the door.

57:52 i have to say it her tits are emmaculant

58:00 hooray for jaws!

58:47 his hand is as big as bond's face. jesus

59:07 dude just close your lips

1:00:07 stop it Bond. i can see what your doing here!

1:00:44 NOOOOOOOO!!

1:01:03 I had such high hopes for you xxx. you've failed me

1:01:50 i wonder if Q branch keeps Bond in stock of condoms? just a thought

1:02:52 ah the checking into the hotel scene. never gets old. oh wait no that's wrong. it was old in Dr. NO

1:04:15 i'm sorry i don't buy roger moore as a marine biologist

1:04:38 well this is what you get xxx you slept with him now you have to deal with it


1:05:56 come on xxx you can still redeem yourself you just have to kill everyone in the film

1:07:33 somewhat of a recluse?? alright howard hughes meets lex luthor. what ever you say

1:09:18 a tanker? built by an environmentalist. i find that to be a bit of a stretch

1:10:58 why have a bitch seat on a motorcycle if you aren't going to use it.

1:12:19 when will someone realize that shooting out of a moving car is a bad idea

1:12:55 JAWS, henchmen that can't be killed. so bad ass

1:11:25 oh! the whole thing is a rocket. well then


1:12: jaws, the henchmen that won't die. so bad ass

1:14:08 at least these guys are presistant

1:14:58 where we're going we don't need any roads!

1:15:48 why isn't Q getting laid all the time. he's the one that builds everything

1:17:05 ugh i'm getting flash backs to thunderball. make it stop

1:17:40 "son do you have any idea how many knots you were running?"

1;18:52 dum dum, dum dum, "get out of the water! CAR! CAR!"

1:19:54 is she trying to talk sexy or just slow. the line there is really thin

1:21:40 "honey, i've killed more people than i can count."

1:22:35 doesn't look very over right now?

1:23:49 and boob. seriously who was asleep at the mpaa this year

1:25:20 my bond sense is tingling

1:26:02 so it's a vagina eating a penis. seriously can i get a bond film that's not a sex metaphor

1:27:04 impressive set though

1:27:34 all i can think about right now is what it would be like if bill gates or steve jobs decided to become super villains.

1:29:25 i don't think a hat constitutes as hiding

1:31:36 New York? why not london, or eve washington?

1:32:24 finally a bond villain i can understand. he thinks he'd doing the right thing where as all the others are just after world domination or fun

1:34:22 you're evil lair is not complete until you have the trolley car installed.

1:35:50 i will say this the americans know a fucking escape when they see one. no fucking hesitation

1:37:05 jesus christ this is kind of crazy. this is so much better than you only live twice.

1:38:24 talk about grenade spamming

1:39:08 nice try dude i kind of liked you


1:40:28 how many times does this make this? bond's third nuclear bomb disposal?

1:42:00 i've played operation i could do this shit

1:43:35 looks like bond has giant balls...sorry i couldn't resist

1:44:11 the fucking use of music in this film is fucking genius

1:46:08 so bond picks up a book and magical knows how to control everything. that's believable.

1:48:18 Bond trumps superman in this situation. superman could only get one bomb without turning back time. Bond can get both on the first try

1:50:37 if you use brute force and it didn't work than you have used enough

1:51:51 god if sean connery did this bond film and hunt for red october the jokes would be endless

1:52:34 "looks like the legion of doom, sir"

1:53:33 when has bond not been in danger of being courtmarshelled?

1:55:10 i mean seriously how many times has bond had to deal with trap doors. he knows all the tricks.

1:56:10 right in the crotch. why is bond always threatening other means junk

1:56:56 jesus bond you fucked up your one shot on the smallest part of his body. even if i tried i don't think i could hit someone on the teeth

1:57:33 again with the nut shots.

1:58:13 so there is a giant magnet there why?

2:00:37 did they have to get her in that dress and completely drench her in water?

2:01:53 at this point do you really think she's going to shoot him? of course it would make more sense if she did. because now she's suddenly fine with him

2:02:32 ummmm jaws, land is that way?

2:03:48 that was awesome! tomorrow at 2 it's fucking moonraker baby!

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